Whether you are an owner/manager of a accessory store, handbags website or someone who is willing to resell genuine leather bags online, our dropship program is what you are looking for. The concept of dropshipping has never been easier.
You can start with following the 3 step procedure mentioned below.
- Send us an email at info@highonleather.com with the following information:
- Contact information for your company
- Which marketplaces you will be selling our products - Amazon, Ebay, etc.
- Upload all our products on your website with all the pertinent details.
- Place your order with us when your customers order the product from you. Just mention your name and company in comment section when ordering and we will make sure we do not send our company details in the package.
Things to keep in mind:
- Please mention the exact product size on your website and please make sure your customers order the products after checking the dimensions.
- Feel free to use our images and features of the products but please make sure you use your own unique description and product names of the products. Use of the exact descriptions from our website will lead us to remove you from our dropshipping list.
- Add the disclaimer below your products or in your terms and conditions.
"Genuine Goat Leather by its nature has some scars (due to markings/cuts on goat skin) which reconfirms that its 100% pure and gives it a perfect vintage look. Also, each bag has different colour shade and it might be a little different from given pictures which makes each bag unique. Each bag is specially fresh made for you so there might be a little different smell of leather. Some of our customers usually like this leather smell some don't. It any which way fades away within 3-4 weeks of regular use."
- The Use of different keywords and product names will lead to more sales
- Please make sure you provide us the correct shipping address of the customer with customer’s phone number.
- Shipping cost is included in the product pricing so that you can upload them directly. Please avoid taking any orders from Russia due to their strict customs rules.
- We ship the products via DHL/Fedex/Aramex/UPS. It usually takes 5 – 7 working days to reach to the customer. We do shipping worldwide.
- Please check with local import laws of your country. We are not responsible for custom duties & taxes to be paid in buyer’s location, if applicable. (Usually there are no custom charges on a single product)
- Please note that genuine leather by its nature has some scars (the scars which are usually found on animal skin) which reconfirm that its genuine leather.
- Each bag has its own color tone which can be slightly different from the images.
- Our brand new bags have a distinctive leather smell which usually goes away with the use of 3 to 4 weeks.
- As per our rule we do not accept returns in our orders unless it is a damaged product. We can consider special cases and work with you individually after you mail us.