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To Leather bags, with Love

Humans have a love affair with leather science the first animal was hunted. How did we learn to work leather is a mystery, The ancient Greeks are suspected to developing certain tree tanning formulas to preserve the leather. It is agreed that early humans made clothes out of hunted animal skins, This has been rather ludicrously promoted in popular media. Most cartoons, films, and even documentaries present early humans as bent figures wearing leather hides of exotic nature, such as lions, leopards, and tigers. Despite doubts against the authenticity of this historical information, it can be safely assumed that the early humans would have loved the leather products of today.

Different animal skins and hides treated with chemicals to preserve them and make them soft and suitable so they can be used as clothing, handbags, shoes, and tools are leather. The physical property of high tensile strength makes leather a valuable material that’s why bags made of leather can be your companion over a decade and witnesses all the adventures with you as a true friend.

Some would argue here that hide is hardly comparable to leather, as leather is a much refined product compared to hide. However, to these smart people we would point out that all hides count as leather, whereas, the same is not true if the comparison is reversed. Others would deem to portray our ancestors as vegetable loving vegans who never hunted animals and coexisted peacefully with nature. To their feeble attempts at subversion, we say “gobbledygook”. So, with these arguments we have undeniably and incontrovertibly established the love of humans for leather. Now dear readers, let us list some of the reasons why we love leather and especially leather bags.

Mirror Neurons

Humans, like monkeys, have been the subject of mirror neurons debate. Simply stated it means, we do things when we see others doing things. This leads to the popular pseudo-scientific theory that humans love leather bags because our ancestors loved leather bags. Each successive generation saw the earlier one indulging in an inexplicable love for dead animal skin, and followed suit. Dubious as it sounds, to test this you simply have to look at your own idiosyncrasies and just ask yourself: where did they come from?


It is rather irrefutable that anything in leather looks far more stylish when compared to other fabrics. There is this grace that is absent from all other materials, especially non-natural ones. Not only are bags made of leather stylish, but they are always in style as well. This is a claim which can be made by very few items in the ever changing world of fashion.

Leather bags holds their value over the decade in fashion better than anything else. More over leather bags makes your clothes an insta-out fit, because its amplifies your personality and style being almost functional at the same time .


Leather is a tough and durable material and so are bags made out of it. Unless slashed by a very sharp object, it can last a lifetime ,at least over a decade. Perhaps you doubt our assertion, however, let us assure you we are correct. Just consider this fact: it was used as armour in times of war. If a person can trust his life to leather, we are sure that personal belongings should be much easier. You should also consider leather harnesses for horses, the loads that they carry are on the heavier side.

A leather bag is your safe place from transporting smartphones to daily array of needs, in an emergency situation it can also be used as a weapon for self defence.

Cost Effective

With this you may think us a bit loony, but we will explain. Its cost effectiveness may seem a fallacy when comparing prices with other materials. However, the tables are turned when the more suitable criteria of cost per year is applied. Good leather will last at least 10 years, unless you abuse it. It can last a lifetime as well, but that would not do for calculations. So a good leather duffel bag will cost you about $200, whereas, other bags can be bought for $50. But the life of these bags is limited to a maximum of 2 years on heave use. So they will cost you $25/year and you will then have to replace them with another. Compare it to a minimum life of 10 years for leather and we come to $20/year. But we assure you that the leather one will last much longer and hence in reality will cost even less per year.

So leather bags are like one time investment where you will buy a premium quality product but also a companion that will stay with you on the days of good and bad and witnesses the survival you have made throughout your life and probably you can gift it to your grandchild as well.

Some others

Leather bags are environment friendly, because they come from a natural renewable resource. They are easy to clean and are naturally resistant to dust mites and fungus. They are also water proof and will keep all items safe in rain. And it is easy to repair, in case it becomes damaged. If you own a leather product that needs repairing, we suggest that you search for a leather repair kit on Groupon.

The bags we have here on HighOnLeather are totally handmade with love from a professional group of people. And the premium quality high grain leather assures that their love and blessings stay with you over the time.

We hope that this whimsical piece of writing has convinced you to go for the leather products that we love. And to leather we say this:

Dear Leather,

We have had such a nice relationship over the centuries, so would you please ask your manufacturers to stop cutting our pockets, so we can continue this admirable co-existence amicably.

Yours Sincerely,

Every Leather Lover

Previous article Comparison - Cowhide vs. Camel Leather

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